Blue Data, the leading provider of infrastructure software platforms for Big Data, has announced the spring release for the Blue Data EPIC software platform. With the release of the new product, which is immediately available, Blue Data introduces numerous new enhancements in order to provide enterprise-class security and quality of service (QoS) for multi-tenant Big Data deployments. In addition, Blue Data continues to add on to the support for new applications as well as frameworks in order to provide simple, flexible, and extensible Big-Data-as-a-Service (BDaaS) environment on-premises.
“Today we announced the new spring release of our Blue Data EPIC software platform: a purpose-built solution designed to deliver Big-Data-as-a-Service and accelerate Hadoop and Spark deployments on-premises using Docker containers. With over two dozen new features and enhancements, this new release is full of exciting new functionality.”

Image Source: Blue
Complexity remains the main barrier for adoption of Big Data technologies like Hadoop and Spark. Blue Data's software innovations makes it easier to deploy Big Data infrastructure and applications, leveraging Docker containers in order to provide self-service BDaaS experiences on the premises, together with the highest levels of security and performance for Big Data analytics in the enterprise.
Nik Rouda, senior analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group,
“Most enterprise Big Data deployments today require an army of data scientists, application developers, and data architects along with IT infrastructure teams for the required servers, storage, networking, and security. It shouldn’t be so hard. Blue Data helps hide all of the complexity of Big Data from the user, while making it much simpler and easier to deploy the applications and infrastructure they need in a secure multi-tenant architecture.”
This software release incorporates numerous new features and functionality enhancements which have been requested by Blue Data’s rapidly growing customers across multiple industries which include financial services, pharmaceutical, healthcare, technology, telecommunications, energy, government, and education. The customer selects the Blue Data software platform for its game-changing ability to simplify and accelerate on-premises Big Data deployments, which is combined with its enterprise-grade functionality in order to support a wide range of use cases from the initial prototyping to production environments.
Shannon Quinn, assistant professor at the University of Georgia, states,
“What I like best about Blue Data is the ease with which you can set up a new data analytics environment and apportion resources to multiple users. Our students and faculty need to build Spark and Hadoop clusters for their research, and with Blue Data’s software it only takes a few mouse clicks. It’s simple and seamless, taking away all the guess work and saving us both time and money.”
The enterprise version of Blue Data’s software platform now provides additional security and governance capabilities, in order to meet enterprise-class auditing as well as regulatory compliance requirements. Other new functions which are included are more granular resource management controls, QoS-based allocation, performance optimizations, and quota enforcement for multi-tenant Big Data deployments. Moreover, Blue Data has extended its support for Big Data applications along with tools which include Cloudera Navigator and Ranger for data governance and security administration; HAWQ for massive parallel processing analytics; and Geode (Gemfire) as well as Cassandra and Kafka for real-time analytics.