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This section covers articles, source code samples, tutorials, links, and other resources related to Big Data database.
Qubole, a big data-as-a-service company, is open sourcing its Quark platform, a cost – based SQL optimizer.
This article emails what big data is and how it was evolved.
Blue Data, the leading provider of infrastructure software platforms for Big Data, has announced the spring release for the BlueData EPIC software platform.
Analytics company Kyvos Insights is aiming at making big data more accessible by making its scalable, self-service online analytical processing (OLAP) solution accessible to users of Microsoft Azure HDInsight.
Pure storage has launched an all flash blade system, along with flash array, which is aimed at capturing big data workloads and expanding the company among small and mid-sized businesses.
In this article you will learn about Big Data. Big Data is a collection of large data sets which cannot be processed using a traditional approach.
We are expanding our Delhi and New York teams and hiring several big data, machine learning, and Hadoop developers.
The Apache Software Foundation recently announced a new open-source project named Apache Arrow, that provides a high-performance data layer for columnar in-memory analytics.
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